H.F. Schindler Family
1950s Minutes
June 25: North Korean forces invade South Korea.
World Series: New York Yankees
Best Picture: All About Eve
July 23, 1950
The twenty-second annual H.F. Schindler family reunion was held Sunday, July 23, 1950, at the Clair Evangelical United Brethern Church. Following a basket dinner which was served in the basement of the church, the group was called to order by the President, Leroy Schindler. To begin the program, Clifton Schindler sang several verses of "Saved By Grace", with the entire group joining in on the chorus. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Seventy-three members responded to roll call, and twenty-three visitors were present. Mrs. Charles Schindler and Stanley Dean Kapp were heartily welcomed as new members.
Special mention was made of the one member in the service of our country—Dale Schneider; also of the twenty-sixth wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. John Schneider. A letter from Lee Schneider was read by Mrs. Dorothy Fankhauser. Short talks were given by the guest ministers, Rev. Tubach and Rev. Hartman.
The following were nominated and approved as the officers for the coming year:
President Lee T. Schneider
Vice-President Marilyn Schindler
Secretary Bill Schindler
Treasurer H.C. Schneider
A motion was presented and passed that desserts other than cake and ice cream would not be served. A suggestion was made that the Family Record book be brought up to date.
The group sang "Blest Be the Tie" after which Rev. Tubach gave the closing prayer.
Ice cream and cake were served later in the afternoon. There is a balance of $30.00 in the treasury.
Marilyn Schindler
April 11: Gen. Douglas MacArthur removed from Korea command by Pres. Truman.
July 10: Korea cease-fire talks begin; last 2 years.
July 16: J.D. Salinger publishes Catcher in the Rye.
World Series: New York Yankees
Best Picture: An American in Paris
July 22, 1951
The twenty-third annual H.F. Schindler family reunion was held Sunday, July 22, 1951, at the Clair Evangelical United Brethern Church. Following a basket dinner which was served in the basement of the church, the group was called to order by the president, Lee Schneider. To begin the program, Mrs. Dorothy Fankhauser and Mrs. Clifton Schindler sang several verses of "Saved by Grace", with the group joining in on the chorus. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Sixty-seven members responded to roll call, and twelve visitors were present. Dee Lois Sander, Rodney Neal Sander, Mrs. Bill Schindler and Mrs. Nelson Schneider were welcomed as new members.
The president thanked those who had served on the table committee: Mrs. Katherine Cornelius, Mrs. Dollye Schindler, and Mrs. Vera Schindler. Special mention was made of the members in the service of our country: H.C. Schindler, Dale Schneider, and Bill Schindler; also of the fifty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Chris Schneider. A letter from Dale Schneider was read by the president.
The following were nominated and approved as the officers for the coming year:
President Marilyn Schindler
Vice-President Bill Schindler
Secretary H.C. Schindler
Treasurer Quenton Schneider
At the suggestion of the executive committee, no assessment would be taken at this year's meeting. Short talks were given by the guest ministers, Rev. Tubach and Rev. Hartman. The group formed a friendship circle and sang "Blest Be the Tie". Ice cream and cake were served later in the afternoon. There is a balance of $17.25 in the treasury.
Acting Secretary,
Marilyn Schindler
World Series: New York Yankees
Best Picture: The Greatest Show on Earth
July 27, 1952
The twenty-fourth annual H.F. Schindler family reunion was held Sunday, July 27, 1952 at the Clair Evangelical United Brethern Church basement. After the basket dinner was served the president, Marilyn Schindler, called the group to order.
Lee Schneider and Clifton Schindler sang "Saved by Grace". The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Sixty-seven members responded to roll call and fourteen visitors were present. Six new members were welcomed into the group and added to the roll. They are Ronda Gale Ammon, Ann Louise Judah, David Ray Schindler, Bob Wood, Mrs. Daryl Schneider, and Mrs. Curtis Schindler. Our membership is now 108 members. Mention was made of our two boys in the service, Bill Schindler and Curtis Schindler.
Elmer Schindler, realizing that some of our newer members may not know the original H.F. Schindler family, introduced the seven remaining members of the family of twelve.
The following were nominated and approved as the officers for the coming year:
President Ernestine Judah
Vice-President H.C. Schneider
Secretary Quinton Schneider
Treasurer Bill Schindler
Short talks were given by the guest ministers, Rev. Ahrens and Rev. Hartman. Kenneth Schindler gave a memorial talk followed by a few moments of silent prayer in memory of our beloved uncle, Clarence Schindler, and infant, Marlin Leroy Schindler, who have been called to their heavenly home.
The group formed a friendship circle by joining hands and singing "Blest Be the Tie." Rev. Hartman gave the closing prayer.
Ice cream and cake were served later in the afternoon. A collection was taken to reimburse the treasury which there is now a balance of $10.41.
Acting Secretary,
Mrs. Mildred Ford
July 27: Korean War armistice signed.
World Series: New York Yankees
Best Picture: From Here to Eternity
July 26, 1953
The twenty-fifth annual H.F. Schindler Family Reunion was held in the Clair church basement, July 26, 1953. A bountiful dinner was enjoyed by at noon after which the group was called to order by the president, Mrs. Weldon Judah. The well planned program was begun with the singing of "Saved by Grace" by Lee Schneider and Clifton Schindler. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mildred Ford, Secretary pro tem, and approved. Roll was then called to which 76 responded. Five new members were welcomed into the reunion. They are as follows: Mrs. Dale Schneider, Dara Sue Schindler, Chris Ronald Larson, Bruce Schindler and Janice Louise Schneider. Report was made of those that were in the armed forces. Bill Schindler was promoted to staff sargeant and is stationed in California. Daryl Schneider is attending Band school in Germany and Curtis Schindler is at the air base in Japan.
Several attended the reunion this year that were from out of the state: Mr. & Mrs. Ben Gordon of Topeka, Kansas; Mrs. Albert Bunse of Baxter, Iowa; and Rev. & Mrs. Dale Ammon and family of Grand Island, Nebraska.
The nominating committee gave the following report for the coming year:
President H.C. Schneider
Vice-President Bill Schindler
Secretary Katherine Cornelius
Treasurer Ermel Sander
Kenneth Schindler gave a heartfelt talk in memory of Uncle Alex and Uncle Bill who had passed away during the past year.
We were honored to have four ministers who gave inspiring short talks. They were Rev. Tubach, Rev. Ahrens, Rev. Ammon and Rev. Kurth.
In closing, the friendship circle was formed and all joined in singing "Blest Be the Tie". Rev. Kurth gave the benediction.
A collection was taken to defray expenses.
Acting Secretary,
Mrs. Mildred Ford
April 22-June 17: Sen. Joseph McCarthy leads television hearings into alleged Communist influence in the Army.
May 17: Racial segregation in public schools unanimously ruled unconstitutional by Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.
Dec. 2: Condemnation of Sen. McCarthy voted by Senate, 67-22 for behavior in Army investigation hearings.
World Series: New York Giants
Best Picture: On the Waterfront
July 25, 1954
The twenty-sixth annual H.F. Schindler Family Reunion was held in the Clair Church basement, July 25. A delicious basket dinner was served at noon. Following the dinner, the group was called to order by the vice-president, Bill Schindler, who was acting as president in the absence of the president, H.C. Schneider. The meeting was opened with the singing of "Saved By Grace" by Lee Schneider and Clifton Schindler. Roll was called to which 77 responded after which the secretary's report of the previous meeting was read and approved.
A committee consisting of Everett, Charles and Elmer Schindler was appointed to look into the cost of printing several copies of the H.F. Schindler Family Book.
A memorial to Ernestine Judiah was discussed by Rev. Tubach.
Elmer Schindler held a recognition of the Old Schindler family brothers and sisters to renew or make known to new members the original H.F. Schindler family.
Three new members were added to our reunion: Richard Schneider, Carol Lorence Schindler and Debra Pauline Sander. Curtis Schindler, Dale Schneider and Daryl Schneider are reported as being in our Armed Forces. All were happy to welcome Bill Schindler home.
The two famillies coming the greatest distance to the reunion were Rev. and Mrs. Lester Sander and Rev. and Mrs. Dale Ammon and families. Frank Schindler was recognized for having the most descendants present.
The motion was made and seconded that we accept the report of the nominating committee which was as follows:
President Bill Schindler
Vice-President Ermel Sander
Secretary Katherine Cornelius
Treasurer Wayne Schindler
Lee Schneider gave a touching talk in memory of Uncle Christ Schneider and Kenneth Schindler gave a heart-felt memorial to Ernestine Judah.
Five ministers were present: Rev. Tubach, Rev. Ahrens, Rev. Kurth, Rev. Ammon and Rev. Sander. We felt highly honored to have them present and each gave a short talk.
The friendship circle was formed and all joined in singing, "Blest Be The Tie." Rev. Lester Sander pronounced the benediction.
There was no money collected as there was sufficient money in the treasury for expenses.
Katherine Cornelius
May 31: Supreme Court orders "all deliberate speed" in integration of public schools.
Dec. 1: Rosa Parks refuses to give her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, AL.
World Series: Brooklyn Dodgers
Best Picture: Marty
July 24, 1955
The twenty-seventh annual H.F. Schindler Family Reunion was held in the Clair Church basement, July 24. Frank Schindler led in prayer and then all enjoyed a delicious basket dinner. Following the dinner the meeting was called to order by the president, Bill Schindler. The program was opened with the song, "Saved By Grace", sang by Mrs. Dorothy Fankhauser and Janice. Roll was called with 67 responding. The secretary's report was read and approved.
The committee appointed to look into the facts about having several copies of the H.F. Schindler Family book printed was happy to report that Lee Schneider had willingly and capably printed a copy of the book for each family. Mr. Everett Schindler complimented him and a round of applause was given for the good work Lee had done.
Five new members, all babies, were added to the reunion. They are Debra Lynne Wood, Cary Nelson Schneider, Steven Dale Schneider, Lon William Schindler and Pamela Jo Schindler. They were happily welcomed into the reunion. Curtis Schindler and Dale Schneider were reported as being in the service of our country.
Elmer Schindler introduced the members of the old Schindler Family that were present, recognizing Mrs. Selma Schneider as the oldest member of the original family and Everett Schindler as the youngest member.
It was a happy occasion to have Mrs. Ethel Bunse present. She was recognized as having come the farthest distance to the reunion. Mrs. Selma Schneider was named the oldest person present and Lon William Schindler as the youngest member present.
The nominating committee gave their report. The motion was made and seconded that we accept the following as officers for next year:
President Ermel Sander
Vice-President Katherine Cornelius
Secretary Wayne Schindler
Treasurer Mildred Ford
We were very happy to welcome Rev. Kurth to our reunion and sorry that several other ministers could not be present because of other activities. Rev. Kurth gave some very touching remarks.
The friendship circle was formed and all joined in singing, "Blest Be The Tie." Rev. Kurth pronounced the benediction.
A free-will offering was taken to defray expenses.
Katherine Cornelius
June 29: Federal Highway Act signed.
Sept. 25: First transatlantic telephone cable activated.
World Series: New York Yankees
Best Picture: Around the World in 80 Days
July 22, 1956
The twenty-eight annual H.F. Schindler Family Reunion was held July 22, 1956 at the Clair Church Basement. Following a basket dinner, the group was called to order by the president, Ermel Sander. Beginning the program was the singing of "Saved By Grace" by Dorothy and Janice Fankhauser, Lee Schneider and Clifton Schindler.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and 64 members responded to roll call. Reported was $16.00 in the treasury.
Lee Schneider was complimented by the President for his work in again bringing the family book up to date.
Two new members were welcomed into the group: Peter John Larson and Denise Louise Schneider. The group paused for a few moments of silence in memory of infants Cristy Lynn Ammon and Sharon Sue Cryder. Dale Schneider was recognized by Bill Schindler as being in the service of out country.
The nominating committee gave the following report:
President Katherine Cornelius
Vice-President Wayne Schindler
Secretary Mildred Ford
Treasurer Preston Schneider
The motion was carried that we accept the proceeding as officers for next year.
Kenneth Schindler recognized the members of the original H. F. Schindler family who were present. Remarks were made by Elmer Schindler about the first H. F. Schindler Reunion.
Mrs. Dale Ammon was recognized as coming the fartherest distance to the reunion and the family of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Schindler was recognized as the family having the most descendants present. Three ministers were present: Rev. Wilson, Rev. Schreiber and Rev. Kurth. Each of the ministers gave a short talk.
The friendship circle was formed and all joined in singing "Blest Be The Tie". Rev. Kurth pronounced the benediction.
Ice cream and cake was served later in the afternoon.
Wayne Schindler
April 29: Congress approves first civil rights bill for blacks since Reconstruction to protect voting rights.
Sept. 4: National Guardsmen bar 9 black students from entering all-white high school in Little Rock, AR.
Sept. 5: Jack Kerouac publishes On the Road.
Sept. 24: Pres. Eisenhower sends federal troops to Little Rock to enforce court order.
World Series: Milwaukee Braves
Best Picture: The Bridge on the River Kwai
July 28, 1957
The 29th annual H. F. Schindler Family Reunion was held Sunday, July 28th, 1957 at the Clair Evangelical United Brethern Church. Following a basket dinner served in the church basement, the group was called to order by the president, Mrs. Katherine Cornelius. Rev. Kurth gave the invocation and Wayne and Larry Schindler sang the reunion song, "Saved By Grace".
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and 67 members responded to roll call. $7.25 was reported in the treasury. A very beautiful poem was written and read by Mrs. Lois Sander, entitled, "Appreciation".
Two new members were welcomed: Edward Allen Schneider and Cynthia Lynn Schindler. Because there were no departures of our members this past year the president called for a pause of silent thankfulness. Dale Schneider was recognized by Clifton Schindler as being in the service of out country.
The nominating committee gave the following report:
President Wayne Schindler
Vice-President Mildred Ford
Secretary Preston Schneider
Treasurer Bernice Kapp
The motion was carried that we accept these officers for next year.
Kenneth Schindler recognized the members of the original H. F. Schindler family, who were given seats of honor facing the group. The Sander family and Frank Schindler family tied with the same number present. The Lester Sander family came the fartherest - 265 miles. Aunt Selma Schneider was the oldest present and Cary Nelson Schneider was the youngest present. Visitors present numbered 10.
Short talks were enjoyed by the following ministers: Rev. Ralph Schreiber, Rev. Lester Sander, Rev. Brooks, and Rev. Kurth. The friendship circle was formed and all joined in singing "Blest Be The Tie." Rev. Kurth gave the benediction.
Ice cream and cake was served later in the afternoon.
Mildred Ford
Jan. 31: Explorer I, first U.S. earth satellite goes into orbit; discovers Van Allen radiation belt.
Dec. 10: First domestic jet airline passenger service in U.S. opened by National Airlines.
World Series: New York Yankees
Best Picture: Gigi
July 27, 1958
The 30th annual H. F. Schindler Family Reunion was held Sunday, July 27, 1958, at the Clair Evangelical United Brethern Church. Following a basket dinner served in the church basement, the meeting was called to order by the president, Wayne Schindler. Robert Cornelius sang Grandmother Schindlers favorite hymn, "Saved By Grace".
There were 88 members present who responded to roll call. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was read and accepted, and showed a balance of $8.70.
Our president made special mention of the six original members of the H. F. Schindler family, who were given seats of honor facing the group. He further noted there had been no deaths in the Schindler family during the past two years and called for a silent moment of thankfulness.
Four new members were received unto the group. Daniel Allen Cryser, Leslie ANN Wood, Cynthia Schneider, and William Jewell Thorne. The president further stated that for the first time in a number of years no member of the family was in the armed forces of our country. Appreciation was given to Mildred Ford and Lee Schneider for bringing the family book up to date.
Mrs. Selma Schneider was the oldest member present and Cynthia Schneider the youngest. Rev. Lester Sander family came the greatest distance, 265 miles. The Frank Schindler family was the largest number in attendance, with 16 present.
The president called for a report of the nominating committee, and Josephine Schneider, chairman of the committee, presented the following ballot for the ensuing year:
President Mildred Ford
Vice-President Preston Schneider
Secretary Bernice Kapp
Treasurer Dorothy Fankhauser
The nominating committee's report was accepted.
Short talks were enjoyed by the group from the following ministers: Rev. Lester Sander, Rev. Ralph Schreiber, and Rev. Lowell Wendland. The unual friendship circle was formed, nd all joined hands in singing "Blest Be The Tie". Rev. Wendland then gave the benediction.
Ice cream and cake was served later and a fellowship period followed.
Preston Schneider
Jan. 3: Alaska admitted as 49th state.
Aug. 21: Hawaii admitted as 50th state.
World Series: Los Angeles Dodgers
Best Picture: Ben-Hur
July 26, 1959
The 31st annual H. F. Schindler Family Reunion was held Sunday, July 26, 1959, at the Clair Evangelical United Brethern Church. Following a basket dinner served in the church basement, the meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Mildred Ford. The President made special mention of the six original members of the H. F. Schindler family, who were given seats of honor.
The program was opened with the song, "Saved By Grace" sang by Mrs. Earl Schneider, Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Schindler and Mr. Lee Schindler.
59 members responded to roll call. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was read and accepted, and showed a balance of $1.05.
Five new members received into the group were: Mr. Lawrence Grauberger, Shane Lee Schindler, Linda Marie Schneider, Kurt Eric Ammon and David Alan Larson. The President was happy to report there were no departures of our members this past year and in thankfulness we were asked to pause in silent prayer.
Mention was given to the oldest member, youngest member and largest family. Greeting was read from Marilyn and Larry.
The President called for a report of the nominating committee. Mr. Charles Schindler, Chairman of the committee, presented the following slate of officers:
President Preston Schneider
Vice President Bernice Kapp
Secretary Dorothy Fankhauser
Treasurer Stella Schneider
The motion carried that we accept these officers for next year.
The following ministers were welcomed to our group; Rev. C. C. Pritchard, Bro. Francis Rath, Rev. Lowell Wendland. A short talk was enjoyed by Rev. Pritchard. The friendship circle was formed and all joined in singing "Blest Be the Tie." Bro. Rath gave the benediction.
Refreshments of ice cream and cake was served later in the afternoon. Fellowship was enjoyed by all.
Bernice Kapp
E-MAIL: info@hfschindler.org