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1990July 26: Pres. Bush signs Americans With Disabilities Act.Aug. 7: Operation Desert Shield forces leave for Saudi Arabia to defend that country following invasion of its neighbor Kuwait by Iraq.
World Series: Cincinnati Reds |
The 62nd annual H. F. Schindler family reunion was held on July 22, 1990 at the Clair United Methodist Church.
By birth: | Kurt Daniel Cryder |
Chelsea Marie Sanders | |
Kalie Eilene Schulstrom | |
Travis Robert Schindler | |
Abagail Ann Judah | |
Brooks Patrick Wilson |
By marriage: | Cynthia Ann Schindler |
Ralph Dahle | |
Michael Arthur Gillaspie | |
Charles Michael Carr | |
Steve Saverino |
The minutes of the 1989 reunion were read and accepted. The roll call was read by Vice President Daryl Schneider in the absence of the Secretary. 53 members were present from the total of 301 descendants.
The Treasurer's report was given by Brent Kapp who requested donations following the meeting. A motion was made and passed that a $30.00 donation be made to Clair Church for use of the building for the reunion.
A memorial was given by Mrs. Bernice Kapp remembering two cousins, Quentin Schneider and Willard Sander who passed away during the past year.
The Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Hilton Sander, proposed the following slate of officers for nest year:
President | Daryl Schneider |
Vice-President | Larry Schindler |
Secretary | Brent Kapp |
Treasurer | Alison Schindler |
The slate of officers was unanimously elected.
The meeting was closed with the friendship circle with all singing "Bless be the Tie that Binds" and the Benediction.
Minutes compiled by Larry Schindler
Feb. 27: After a ground war in Iraq only lasting 100 hours, Pres. Bush orders a cease-fire.
Oct. 15: The U.S. Senate approves nomination of Clarence Thomas to Supreme Court despite allegations of harassment against him by Anita Hill, a former aide.
World Series: Minnesota Twins
Best Picture: The Silence of the Lambs
The meeting was called to order by President Daryl Schneider. The traditional song "Saved by Grace" was sung by all. Brent Kapp, secretary, read the minutes of the 1990 reunion and called the roll. There were 49 members who answered the roll call from a membership of 305. Alison Schindler, treasurer, reported a balance of $63.19 and requested donations to cover use of the building.
President Daryl Schneider announced the following changes to the family.
By birth: | Ryan Scott Armstrong |
Sadie Ann Dahl |
By adoption: | Christina Vanessa Miller |
Megan Nicole Miller |
By marriage: | Shanda Leigh Sander |
Ann Marie Schneider | |
Rhonda Kay Ford | |
Jody Anne Benton |
Former by divorce: | Debra Schneider |
Vicky Schneider |
Lee Schneider reported a computer program had been created to record and update the family roll. A motion was made and seconded to pay Clair Church $30.00 for use of the church. Also, a motion was made and seconded to discontinue the tradition of ice cream after the meeting.
Milton Ford was recognized as the oldest attending member. Katherine Cornelius recognized Nelson and Bernice Kapp for the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary.
Daryl Schneider reported on the Swiss Lodge's celebration of the 700th Anniversary of Swiss heritage. Daryl introduced guests Francis Winterburg of Lawrence, Kansas and Julie Kraft of Overland Park, Kansas. The Winterburg's are looking for more information that may tie them to the Schindler family.
Bernice Kapp of the nominating committee, reported the following slate of officers for next year:
President | Larry Schindler |
Vice-President | Brent Kapp |
Secretary | Alison Schindler |
Treasurer | Bruce Schindler |
The meeting was closed with the traditional friendship circle singing "Bless be the Tie that Binds" and the Benediction.
Ice cream and cake were served.
Brent Kapp
Nov. 3: Bill Clinton elected 42nd U.S. president.
Dec. 9: UN-sanctioned military force, led by U.S. troops, arrive in Somalia.
World Series: Toronto Blue Jays
Best Picture: Unforgiven
The meeting was called to order by President Larry Schindler. The traditional song "Saved By Grace" was sung by Wayne, Karl, Krissy Schindler, accompanied by Marilyn Grauberger. Alison Schindler, secretary, read the minutes of the 1991 reunion and called the roll. There were 64 members present from a membership of 309. Bruce Schindler, treasurer, reported a balance of $54.27 and requested donations to cover use of the buidling.
President Larry Schindler announced the following changes to the roll:
By birth: | Rachel Marie Worthen |
Grace Marie Gillaspie | |
Sarah Elizabeth Rasmussen | |
Andrew William Thorne | |
Nicholas Wood Saverino | |
Sarah Christine Larson |
By adoption: | Todd Ross Miller |
By marriage: | Lisa Ann Basler Schneider |
Maureen Ann McKinley Sander |
Former by divorce: | Ralph Snyder |
Sharon Louise Cruise |
The guests were recognized and introduced. Daryl Schneider gave a memorial remembering Milton Ford and Preston Schneider who passed away in the previous year.
Two 50th year anniversaries were recognized: Kenneth and Luella Schindler and Leroy and Florence Schindler. Vera Schindler was recognized as the oldest attending member. It was also noted that the entire Clarence Schindler family was present. Lee Schneider was recognized for his retirement.
The nominating committee of Marilyn Grauberger, Katherine Cornelius, and Cliff Schindler proposed the following slate of officers for the next year:
President | Brent Kapp |
Vice-President | Alison Schindler |
Secretary | Bruce Schindler |
Treasurer | Rodney Sander |
The motion was seconded and passed in a vote by voice.
The meeting was closed with the traditional friendship circle and the singing of "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" and the Benediction was given.
Alison Schindler
Feb. 28-Apr. 19: 51-day siege by federal agents of Branch Dividian compound in Waco, TX ends when armored vehicles pump tear gas into it. Compound burns down, leaves more than 70 cult members dead.
Apr. 17: Federal jury finds 2 Los Angeles police officers guilty and 2 not guilty of violating civil rights of motorist Rodney King in 1991 beating incident.
Summer: "Great Flood of 1993" inundates 8 million acres in 9 states.
Nov. 30: "Brady Bill", a major gun-control measure, signed into law by Pres. Clinton.
World Series: Toronto Blue Jays
Best Picture: Schindler's List
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Alison Schindler in the absence of President Brent Kapp. There were no guests present to be recognized. The traditional song "Saved By Grace" was sung by Amanda Kapp, accompanied by Patricia Kapp. Bruce Schindler, secretary, read the minutes which were approved after a name correction for Preston Schneider. The roll was then taken with 57 members present. Bruce Schindler reported a balance of $80.27 in the absence of Rod Sander, treasurer.
Vice-President Alison Schindler announced the following changes to the roll:
By birth: | Justin Tyler Carr |
Andrew David Larson | |
Kirsten Ann Larson | |
Brett Alexander Schindler | |
Baily Caroline Wilson |
By marriage: | Diane Marie Rengo Dolmer Weinert |
Brian Joseph Niltes | |
Julie Ann Grant Herbers Ammon | |
Laura Lynn Raccina Thorne | |
Stark Alexander Kopp | |
Mario Antonio Monroy Sratil |
Former by death: | Ermel Sander |
Curtis Schindler |
Former by divorce: | Randy Laypoldt |
Glenda Sander |
Memorials were then given for Ermel Sander and Curtis Schindler. Clifton Schindler gave the memorial for Ermel and Kenneth Schindler gave the memorial for Curtis. Vera Schindler was then recognized as the oldest living member.
Lee Schneider presented an updated book of our family tree and all members. Copies were provided, compliments of the Lee Schneider family, to any family interested in a copy.
A motion was made by Kenneth Schindler to raise the donation to Clair Church by $10.00. The motion was approved, leaving the total donation at $40.00.
The nominating committee proposed the following slate of officers for the next year:
President | Alison Schindler |
Vice-President | Bruce Schindler |
Secretary | Rodney Sander |
Treasurer | Henry Schneider |
The meeting was closed with the traditional friendship circle and the singing of "Blest Be The Tie That Binds" and the Benediction was given.
Bruce Schindler
Jan. 17: Major predawn earthquake strikes Los Angeles area.
Jan. 20: Attorney Gen. Reno appoints Robert Fiske independent counsel to probe Whitewater affair.
Aug. 5: Kenneth Starr replaces Robert Fiske in Whitewater probe.
Aug. 11: Major League Baseball players go on strike, ends season prematurely.
World Series: No series
Best Picture: Forrest Gump
The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Rod Sander. Bruce Schindler then read the minutes of the reunion of August 6, 1944. After the reading of the roll call the Treasurer Henry Schneider reported that there were $80.27 in the account. Vera Schindler was recognized as the oldest member present. The following are the changes to the roll:
By birth: | Kourtney Gene Colleen Cryder |
Jennifer Kerstin Larson | |
Chelsey Lynn Weinert | |
Christina Rosemary Schneider | |
Benjamin Dale Ammon | |
Cheyanne Nicole Schindler |
By marriage: | Julie Christianson Schneider |
John Robert Meyer | |
Alexandra Michelle Shenas Sander | |
Marilyn Ann Little Kapp | |
Shanna Lee Martin Kapp |
Former by death: | Lee T. Schneider III |
Kenneth Schindler spoke in memory if Lee T. Schneider III. Lee Schneider Jr. gave each family 29 pages of changes to the family record. There were also pen and pencil changes for anyone interested. Dwight Schindler and Stan Kapp read the report of the Nominations Committee as follows:
President | Bruce Schindler |
Vice-President | Rod Sander |
Secretary | Henry Schneider |
Treasurer | Gail Schindler |
The family thanked Lee and Kevin Schneider for all their work compiling the family records. The meeting was closed with a benediction given by Clif Schindler and all sang the hymn "Blessed Be The Tie That Binds."
Rod Sander
Oct. 3: O.J. Simpson found not guilty of murder of former wife and her friend.
Nov. 14: Budget impasse between Pres. Clinton and Congress leads to 6-day government shutdown.
Nov. 28: 55-mph speed limit repealed.
Dec. 14: Bosnia-Herzegovina peace treaty signed. Peacekeeping troops arrive in Bosnia.
World Series: Atlanta Braves
Best Picture: Braveheart
The following visitors were with us: Norma Bruner and Rev. Nick & Pam Campbell. Those recognized present who travelled the farthest: the Ammons from Colorado Springs, Dollye Schindler from California and Wayne Schindler from Texas.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Henry Schneider. Rod Sander then read the minutes of the reunion of August 5, 1945. After the reading of the roll call by Secretary Henry Schneider with 59 present, the Treasurer Gail Schindler reported a balance of $85.00. Vera Schindler was recognized as the oldest member present.
The following are the changes to the roll:
By birth: | Joseph Calvin Nilges |
Riley Doyle Sander | |
Dallas Ray Sander | |
Kaitlin Grace Kerr |
By adoption: | Mark Geraldo Sander |
Amanda Paige Sander | |
Samantha Debra Sander | |
David Sander |
By marriage: | Kristin Kay Stang Larson |
Jamin Sean Gentry | |
Leon Berman | |
Terryl Winnett Rudis Sander | |
Kris Eugene Buczek | |
William Vincent Kerr | |
Patrick Cornelius Modlin | |
Mary Elizabeth Barr Schindler | |
Geoffrey William Arbuckle | |
Michael LeRoy Hibbs |
Former by death: | Pearly C Schindler Schneider Hill |
Kenneth Schindler said some kind words in memory of Pearly Hill. Lee Schneider and family was recognized for all their hard work in keeping our family tree in order. It was asked if anyone had a late report concerning Earl & Stella Schneider's health and it was said as well as could be expected.
Nomination Committee Chairman Larry Schindler recommended the following:
President | Rodney Sander |
Vice-President | Henry Schneider |
Secretary | Gail Schindler |
Treasurer | Carl Schindler |
The meeting was closed with a benediction by Denny Silk and all formed a circle and sang the hymn "Blest Be the Tie That Binds"
Henry Schneider
Apr. 3: Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski, arrested.
July 17: TWA Flight 800 crashes into Atlantic shortly after takeoff, kills 230.
July 27: Bomb explodes in Atlanta Olympic park.
Dec. 21: House subcommittee says House Speaker Newt Gingrich had violated House ethics rules in use of tax exempt funds.
World Series: New York Yankees
Best Picture: The English Patient
The following visitors were with us: Norma Brooner and Linda L'hote. Those recognized present who traveled the farthest: Brant Schindler from California and the Paglia family from New Jersey.
The minutes of the 1995 reunion were read by Secretary Gail Schindler. Henry Schindler then read the minutes of the reunion of 1946. After the reading of the roll call by Secretary Gail Schindler with 62 present, the treasurer Karl Schindler reported a balance of $83. Vera Schindler was recognized as the oldest member present.
The following are changes to the roll:
By birth: | Change Beckwith Dahle |
Scott Andrew Schneider | |
Daniel Chase Ford | |
Emily Christine Thorne | |
Maya Susanne Monroy | |
Sarah Lyn Gillaspie | |
Michele Elizabeth Hibbs | |
Emily Elizabeth Kapp | |
Samantha Jo Schindler |
By marriage: | Tammy Suzanne Rainey Miller |
Merriann Nix Mitchell Schindler | |
Anne Louise Dean Schindler | |
Jonathan Francis Mills |
Former by death: | John Nelson Schneider |
Lester H. Sander | |
Sydney Lynne Modlin |
Rod Sander said some kind words in memory of his Uncle Lester Sander. Henry Schneider spoke in memory of his brother Nelson Scheider. Terri Schneider Modlin gave an update of changes to the family record.
In new business, discussion was held concerning the disposition of the memorial organ given to Clair Church. Dwight Schindler made motion to let Clair Church decide to do something with the organ. Larry Schindler seconded. Motion was passed.
Meredith Kapp and Doug Schindler read the report of the Nominating Committee as follows:
President | Henry Schneider |
Vice-President | Gail Schindler |
Secretary | Karl Schindler |
Treasurer | Natalie Schindler Gillaspie |
The meeting was closed with a benediction by Rod Sander and all formed a circle and sang the hymn "Blest Be The Tie That Binds."
Gail Schindler
May 4: "Catastrophic mechanical failure" ruled as cause of TWA Flight 800 crash.
June 2: Timothy McVeigh convicted for Oklahoma City bombing.
June 20: 4 U.S. tobacco companies agree to $368.5 billion settlement for concealing evidence of dangers of smoking.
July 4: NASA's Pathfinder lands on Mars.
July 15: Fashion designer Gianni Versace shot to death in Miami Beach.
World Series: Florida Marlins
Best Picture: Titanic
The following visitors were with us that day: Norma Bruner, Rev. John Middleton, and Dorothy & Rowin Larsen.
The oldest member present was Lucetta Schneider. The youngest member present was Patrick Modlen. The member that traveled the farthest was Dollye Schindler.
The minutes from the previous meeting were not read as the minute book was missing. After reading the roll call by Secretary Karl Schindler with 59 present, Treasurer Natalie Gillaspie reported a balance of $80.00.
By birth: | Carley Nicole Sanders |
Scott Andrew Schneider | |
Ryan Matthew Carr | |
Jadin Isaiah Gentry | |
Christopher Andrew Nilges | |
Alex James Rassmussen | |
Tanner McKenzie Myer | |
Jillian Erika Kopp | |
Jacob Patrick Modlen | |
Logan Michael Kapp |
By marriage: | Christopher Michael Thomas |
Former by death: | Vera Schindler |
James Smith |
Kenneth Schindler, James Smith, and Rev. Dale Ammon said some kind words in memory of Vera Schindler.
Nomination Committee Chairman David Schindler recommended the following:
President | Gail Schindler |
Vice-President | Karl Schindler |
Secretary | Natalie Gillaspie |
Treasurer | David Schindler |
The meeting was closed with a benediction by Rev. John Middleton and all formed a circle and sang the hymn "Blest Be the Tie That Binds."
Karl Schindler
Jan. 22: Theodore Kaczynski, the so-called Unabomber, pleads guilty in connection with California and New Jersey bombings that killed 3 and injured 2.
May 14: The TV show Seinfeld airs its last episode.
July 24: Two police officers shot to death in U.S. Capitol.
Aug. 17: Pres. Clinton admits to inappropriate relationship with Monica Lewinsky.
Sept. 8: Mark McGuire hits his 62nd home run of the season, breaking Roger Maris' season record.
Dec. 19: The U.S. House of Representatives gives its approval to 2 articles of impeachment charging Pres. Clinton with perjury adn obstruction of justice.
World Series: New York Yankees
Best Picture: Shakespeare in Love
The 70th annual reunion of the H.F. Schindler family was held on July 26, 1998 at the Clair United Methodist Church in St. Joseph, Missouri. Rev. John Middleton offered a prayer before the family enjoyed the noon potluck meal. After the meal, President Gail Schindler called the meeting to order.
Visitors Norma Bruner, Brent Wilson and Annette Engleman were welcomed at this time. Lucetta Schneider was recognized as the oldest member present and Tanner McKenzie Myer as the youngest. Kris Schindler traveled the farthest to attend the reunion.
The song "Saved by Grace" was sung by the Vera Schindler and Lee Schneider families and was accompanied by Marilyn Grauberger.
Natalie Schindler Gillaspie read the minutes from the previous year 1997, and Karl Schindler read the minutes from 50 years ago in 1948.
Natalie Schindler Gillaspie read the roll call with 54 present. The following changes were made:
By birth: | Zachary Scott Weinert |
Kelsey Margaret Sander | |
Garrett Kenneth Kerr | |
Karl Philip Schneider | |
Landon Matthew Kapp | |
Nathaniel Cole Mills |
By adoption: | Aaron Faustino Miller |
By marriage: | Stacy Schneider |
Wanda Lee Schindler |
Former by death: | Ronda Kay Chapman |
Weldon Judah | |
Katherine Cornelius |
Marilyn Grauberger said kind words celebrating the life of Katherine M. Cornelius and Kenneth Schindler also said kind words celebrating the lives of Ronda Kay Chapman and Weldon Judah.
The treasurer's report was given by David Schindler. The balance was reported at $80.00.
New business included the possibility of creating a Schindler family Website, providing e-mail addresses of those members who use the internet, and changes in the book format.
Nomination Committee Chairpersons Dwight Schindler and Marilyn Grauberger recommended the following officers:
President | Karl Schindler |
Vice-President | Natalie Schindler Gillaspie |
Secretary | David Schindler |
Treasurer | Bob Cornelius |
The meeting was closed by joining in a circle and singing "Blessed Be The Tie That Binds" and a benediction by Rev. Dale Ammon.
Natalie Gillaspie
Jan. 13: Michael Jordan announces his retirement from the NBA for the second time.
Feb. 12: Pres. Clinton acquitted on impeachment charges.
March 24: NATO launches attacks on targets in Yogoslavia after the Serbs refuse to sign a peace aggreement over Kosovo.
April 20: 2 armed students kill 13 at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado.
July 16: JFK, Jr., wife, and sister-in-law die in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard.
Sept. 14: Hurricane Floyd causes some 3 million Americans to evacuate their homes.
World Series: New York Yankees
Best Picture: American Beauty
After the noon potluck meal, President Karl Schindler called the meeting to order.
Special recognition was given to Lusetta Schneider as the oldest member present, and Michael Modlin as the youngest member present. Dollye Schindler traveled the farthest to attend the reunion.
Grandma Schindler's favorite hymn, "Saved by Grace" was sung by Terri Modlin and Kevin Schneider. They were accompanied by Marilyn Grauberger. Minutes of the 1998 reunion were read by David Schindler, and Natalie Gillespie read the minutes from 1949. David Schindler read the roll call, with 66 members present out of a total of 377 members. The following changes were made:
By birth: | Tucker Stockton Dahle |
Keegan Dylan Cryder | |
Melissa Ann Worthen | |
Isabel Rebecca Berman | |
Michael Lee Modlin | |
Sidney Layne Kapp |
By adoption: | Seth Ronald Miller |
By marriage: | James Gregory Lindsay |
Mark David Anschutz | |
Parrish Michael Lutz | |
Janet Lesley Grauberger | |
Helen Anette Schindler | |
Brent Milford Wilson | |
Jennifer Lynn Murawski | |
Robin English |
Deceased Members: | Stella Schneider |
Emily Christine Thorne | |
Berniece Kapp |
Lee T. Schneider gave a memorial for Stella Schneider. Rev. Dale Amon spoke in remembrance of Emily Thorne, and Kenneth Schindler gave the memorial for Berneice Kapp.
Bob Cornelius gave the treasurer's report, with a balance of $63, with $40 going to Clair for the use of the fellowship hall. Karl Schindler reported that we now have an H.F. Schindler website, with plans to continue to add to the site. Attendance was discussed, with the possibility of a committee to be formed to help boost attendance. Karl Schindler said he would help to update the family book.
Officers nominated for the next year are:
Natalie Gillaspie | President 2000 |
David Schindler | Vice-President |
Bob Cornelius | Secretary |
Terri Modlin | Treasurer |
The meeting was closed by joining in the family circle and singing "Blest Be The Tie That Binds", with Rev. Dale Amon giving the benediction.
David Schindler