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Feb. 1: Sit-ins begin as 4 black college students in Greensboro, NC refuse to move from a Woolworth lunch counter when denied service.

April 21: congress approves a strong voting rights act.

Sept. 26: Vice Pres. Richard Nixon and Sen. John F. Kennedy face each other in first in series of televised campaign debates.

Nov. 8: John F. Kennedy elected president.

World Series: Pittsburgh Pirates

Best Picture: The Apartment

July 24, 1960

  The 32nd annual H. F. Schindler Family Reunion was held Sunday, July 24, 1960 at the Clair Evangelical United Brethern church. A basket dinner was served in the church Fellowship Hall after which the meeting was called to order by the President, Preston Schneider.

  The reunion song "Saved By Grace" was sang by ten lovely great-grandchildren: Janet, Barbara, Glenda, Jean and Linda Schindler, Ann Judah, Marva Kapp, Beverly Sander, Ronda Schneider, and Connie Wendland.

  The President called the six original members of the H.F.Schindler family to their seats of honor with loving remarks mixed with a bit of humor to each one as he or she was seated. No departures of our members this past year was reported for which we paused to thank God for His goodness.

  The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer reported a balance of $4.30, which report was accepted.

  65 members answered roll call. Seven new members were welcomed into the group: Mrs. Larry Schindler, Mrs. Lee Schneider, Gregory Everet Schindler, Susan Gayle Thorne, Greg, Lawrence Grauberger, Loris Lynn Schneider, and Pamela Sue Cryder.

  Rev. Lowell Wendland, Rev.John Coover, and Rev.Julius Rechtermann were present and welcomed as our guest ministers. Mrs. Chris Schneider was the oldest member present, Greg Grauberger the youngest present; Mrs. Lawerence Grauberger came the greatest distance.

  Mr.Everet Schindler, chairman of the nominating committee,presented the following slate of officers for the ensuing year:

PresidentBernice Kapp
Vice-PresidentDorothy Fankhauser
SecretaryStella Schneider
TreasurerLarry Schindler

  The motion carried that we accept these officers for the next year.

  The friendship circle was formed and all joined in singing "Blest Be The Tie". Rev. Wendland gave the benediction.

  Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served during an enjoyable fellowship period.

Dorothy Fankhauser,



April 17: U.S. trained/directed Cuban exiles unsuccessfully attempt overthrow of Fidel Castro in "Bay of Pigs" invasion.

Mar. 1: Peace Corps created by executive order.

May 5: Commander Alan B. Shepard, Jr. first American in space.

World Series: New York Yankees

Best Picture: West Side Story

July 23, 1961

  The 33rd annual reunion of the H. F, Schindler family was held Sunday July 23, 1961 at the Clair Evangelical United Brethren Church. A basket dinner was enjoyed in the church Fellowship Hall at noon, Reverend Wendland leading us in the prayer of thanksgiving.

  At 2 o'clock, the president, Bernice Kapp called the meeting together with a few well chosen remarks. Grandmother Schindler's favorite hymn, "Saved By Grace" was sung this year by Mrs. Lee Schneider, jr.

  The president called the original members to their seat of honor, inviting anyone in the group to volunteer some memory concerning that person. Many fond memories were recounted, some quite amusing.

  The roll call was answered by 66 members. Each family group was asked to remain standing until all of their family had been called. The Elmer Schindler and Josephine Schneider families had perfect attendance.

  The minutes of the preceeding year were read and approved. The treasurer reported a balance of $3.81 from the last year. It was agreed to have a free-will offering to defray current expenses.

  The Nominating Committee Chairman, Elmer Schindler, presented the following slate of officers for the coming year:

PresidentDorothy Fankhauser
Vice-PresidentStella Schneider
SecretaryLarry Schindler
TreasurerClifton Schindler

  The motion to accept these officers carried.

  Regrets were voiced that the Lesther Sander family could not be present because of Mrs. Sander's health, but we all rejoiced that Mrs. Ethel Bunse from St. Petersburg, Florida was present. Happy Anniversary was sung to Mr. & Mrs. John Schneider, on their 37th anniversary.

  Welcomed into the family were three new members: Lee T. III, born to Mr. & Mrs. Lee Schneider; Stanley Alan, born to Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Schneider; and Karla Kay, born to Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schindler.

  All paused to bow their heads in prayer for another year with no departures. Ann Oelhoffer was named in loving memory.

  The president expressed thanks to the Clair Congregation for use of the Fellowship Hall, and to each one who served on the committees. All present were invited to enjoy ice cream and cake after adjournment.

  Rev. John Coover led the group in the closing prayer and the Friendship Circle was formed and all sang "Blest be the Tie That Binds".

Respectfully submitted,

Stella Schneider, Secretary.


Feb. 20: Lt. Col. John H. Glenn first American in orbit.

Oct. 22: Soviet offensive missile buildup in Cuba revealed by Pres. Kennedy.

Oct. 28: Pres. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Khrushchev agree on formula to end Cuban Missile Crisis.

World Series: New York Yankees

Best Picture: Lawrence of Arabia

July 22, 1962

  The 34th annual reunion of the H. F. Schindler Family was held July 22, 1962, in the Fellowship hall of the Clair Evangelical Church. The traditional basket dinner was held at noon.

  Following the dinner, the business meeting was called to order by the Vice-President, Stella Schneider. A letter from Jim and Dorothy Smith was read by the secretary.

  Lee and Nina Schneider sang Grandmother Schindler's favorite hymn, "Saved by Grace".

  A short talk in memory of Frank Schindler was given by Stella Schneider, and another in memory of Selma Schneider was given by Larry Schindler. A moment of silent meditation was offered in memory of these departed members of the original family.

  Rev. Lovell Wendland gave a short talk about the importance of family unity.

  Lester Sander, visiting from Moundridge, Kansas, gave a short talk.

  The following members were welcomed into the membership: Mr. James Smith, Brian William Thorne, Mrs. Gilbert Sander, and Jeffery Curtis Schindler, and Joan Elizabeth Larson.

  The roll call was answered by 66 members. It was announced the family now has 143 members.

  The Nominating Committee presented the following slate of officers for the following year:

PresidentLarry Schindler
Vice-PresidentClifton Schindler
SecretaryGlen Schindler
TreasurerWillard Sander

  A motion was made and seconded to accept these officers.

  The minutes from the preceeding meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported a deficit of $.76. It was announced a free-will offering would be held to defray expenses.

  The president expressed thanks to the Clair Congregation for the use of the Fellowship Hall. Also the committee members were thanked. Special thanks went to Rev. Wendland for assistance in mimeographing additional pages to the individual family books.

  It was announced the next reunion would be held July 28, 1963 at the Clair Church.

  The Fellowship Circle was formed and all sang "Bless be the Tie That Binds". The closing prayer was given by Rev. John Coover.

  Following the closing of the meeting, refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

Respectfully submitted,

Larry Schindler, Secretary


June 11: University of Alabama desegregated when Gov. George Wallace faced with federal National Guard troops.

Aug. 28: March on Washington; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gives "I have a dream" speech.

Nov. 22: Pres. Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, TX. Lyndon B. Johnson sworn in as pres.

World Series: Los Angeles Dodgers

Best Picture: Tom Jones

July 21, 1963

  The 35th annual reunion of the H.F. Schindler Family was held on Sunday afternoon, July 21, 1963. Preceeding the business meeting, the traditional basket dinner was held.

  The business meeting was opened by the President, Larry Schindler. The four original living members of the family were recognized and seated.

  Robert Cornelius sang Grandmother Schindler's favorite song, "Saved by Grace."

  Lester Sander gave a short talk about Christian Heritage and Christian family ties.

  Also giving a short talk was Kenneth Schindler. He recognized Charles Judah and Gary Schneider who were in the service of our country. He also said that John Schneider who was in the hospital should be remembered. A moment of silent prayer was offered for those not present.

  Mrs. Mark Sander was welcomed into the membership. This addition brought the total membership to 145 of which 63 answered roll call.

  The minutes from the preceeding meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported a balance of 13.61.

  The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers for the coming year:

PresidentClifton Schindler
Vice-PresidentGlen Schindler
SecretaryLester H. Sander
TreasurerGilbert Sander

  The motion to accept these new officers passed.

  A motion was made that the 1964 reunion would be held the first Sunday in August with the stipulation that the final decision rested with the executive council.

  Special recognition was given to the Elmer Schindler family and Josephine Schneider family upon the achievement of perfect attendance.

  Also recognized were Wayne Schindler who was visiting from Columbus, Ohio, and the Bill Schindler family who had recently moved back into the community.

  Special thanks went to Evelyn Schindler for mimeographing additional pages to the individual family books.

  The Friendship Circle was formed and everyone sang "Bless Be the Tie That Binds". Rev. Lowell Wendland gave the Benediction.

  Following the business meeting, refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

Respectfully submitted

Glen Schindler - Secy.


July 2: Omnibus civil rights bill cleared by Congress and signed by Pres. Johnson.

July 30: Medicare bill signed.

Aug. 2: Tonkin Gulf Resolution passed by Congress authorizing presidential action in Vietnam.

Sept. 27: Warren Commission report on Kennedy assassination released.

Nov. 3: Pres. Johnson elected to full term.

World Series: St. Louis Cardinals

Best Picture: My Fair Lady

July 26, 1964

  The 36th Annual Reunion of the Henry F. Schindler family was held on Sunday afternoon July 26, 1964 with the traditional Basket Dinner at noon. Later followed with the business meeting.

  The welcome was given by Pres. Cliff Schindler and the seating of the 4 original members - Charles Schindler, Elmer Schindler, Josephine Schneider and Everett L. Schindler. The Lester Sander family sang the favorite song, "Saved By Grace".

  Rev. L.W. Wendland gave a talk to the family on "Our Family Relationships."

  A recognition of the new members were as follows:
A son, Brant Larry, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schindler on September 1, 1963, Kansas City, Kansas.
A son, Kevin Wayne, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schneider on November 6, 1963, Maryville, Mo.
A Son, Stephen Lee, was born to Mr. & Mrs. Larry Grauberger on February 19, 1964, Denver, Colorado.
Mrs. Wayne Schindler, Columbus, Ohio.
Recognized those who are in the service of their country. Meredith Kapp. (Air Force)

  A brief Memorial was given form Mr. John H. Schneider died Aug. 10, 1963 and buried at Memorial Park, Cemetery, St. Joseph, Mo. (given by Kenneth Schindler)

  A brief Memorial was give for Mrs. Susie E. Schindler, who died Oct. 2, 1963 Burial at Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Joseph, Mo. (given by Lee Schneider)

  The period of prayer was held with a moment of silence and closed with prayer by Lester H.Sander.

  Roll call was made with 49 answered the roll. Membership 147.

  Minutes were read and approved.

  Treas. report showed a deficit of 15.73. There were bills that had been met since the reunion of 1963.

  Officers for 1965 nominated and elected.

PresidentGlen Schindler
Vice-PresidentLester H. Sander
SecretaryGilbert Sander
TreasurerDwight Schindler

  Motion made and second that a roll of paper be purchased for the Clair Church. Passed.

  Time of reunion referred to the 1963 minutes.

  Those who came the fartherest were, LeRoy Schindler family of Kansas City, Missouri, and Miriam Sander, Baltimore, Maryland.

  Members of the family affected by illness are, Marilyn Grauberger and Nelson Schneider. We wish them a speedy recovery.

  The Friendship Circle was formed and everyone sang "Bless Be The Tie That Binds." - Rev. L.W. Wendland dismissed with the Benediction.

  Following the business meeting, refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

Respectfully submitted,

Lester, H. Sander, Secy.


Feb.: Pres. Johnson orders continuous bombing of N. Vietnam below 20th parallel.

Feb. 21: Malcolm X assassinated at New York City rally.

Aug. 6: New Voting Rights Act signed.

World Series: Los Angeles Dodgers

Best Picture: The Sound of Music

July 25, 1965

  The 37th annual reunion of the H.F.Schindler family was held on Sunday afternoon, July 25, 1965 at the Clair Evengelical U.B. Church. Following the traditional basket dinner the business meeting was called to order by the President Glen Schindler. The four original living members of the family were recognized and seated in the place of honor.

  The traditional reunion song, "Saved by Grace" was sung by Bob Cornelius. Rev. Julius Rechtermann gave an interesting talk on "The Importance of having Reunions".

  Recognition was given to new members:

Mrs. Meredith KappValerie Leigh Wood
Mrs. Gary SchneiderDouglas Martin Schneider
Michelle Lane Blower

  The minutes from the preceeding meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report showed a deficit of $4.69. A free will offering was taken following the meeting.

  Roll call was answered by 62 members. It was announced that the family had increased to 152 members. A period of silent prayer was held to give thanks that no one had passed on during the preceding year.

  The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers for the coming year:

PresidentLester Sander
Vice-PresidentGilbert Sander
SecretaryDwight Schindler
TreasurerBob Cornelius

  The Friendship Circle was formed and everyone sang "Bless be the Tie that Binds". Rev. Wendland gave the benediction.

  Following the business meeting, refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

Respectfully submitted

Gilbert Sander, Sec.


May 1: U.S. forces begin firing into Cambodia.

June 29: Bombing of Hanoi area of N. Vietnam by U.S. planes begins.

July 1: Medicare begins.

World Series: Baltimore Orioles

Best Picture: A Man for All Seasons

July 28, 1966

  The 38th annual reunion of the H.F. Schindler family was held on Sunday afternoon, July 24, 1966 at the Clair E.U.B. Church. Following the traditional basket dinner the business meeting was called to order by President L.H. Sander. The four original members; Charles, Elmer, Josephine, and Everett were recognized and seated in the place of honor.

  Jean Schindler sang, the traditional hymn: "Saved by Grace" accompanied by Mrs. Clifton Schindler. Rev. Lowell Wendland gave a short talk, "The Real Home".

  Recognition was given to the new members of the family:

Mrs. Douglas SchindlerDawn Ann Paglia
Mrs. Roger FordKristina Diane Schindler
Mrs. Dwight SchindlerSteven Craig Thorne
Mr. Ronald MillerGina Anne Schindler
 Natalie Diane Schindler
 John Ronald Larson

  The total membership of the family had increased to 162 members of which 62 members answered roll call.

  Mr. Ronald Miller and Mr. Charles Judah were recognized in service of their country. Mrs. Vera Schindler was recognized for her achievement in education. Mrs. Frank Schindler was recognized for her attendance at the reunion.

  The minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's Report showed a balance of $2.25. A bill of $3 was presented for mimeographing of records. A Free-will offering followed the meeting.

  The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers which were accepted for the coming year.

PresidentGilbert Sander
Vice-PresidentDwight Schindler
SecretaryBob Cornelius
TreasurerMeredith Kapp

  A Friendship Circle was formed and a period of silent prayer was held to give thanks that no member of the family had passed on during the preceding year. The singing of "Bless Be the Tie that Binds" and the benediction by Rev. Wendland followed.

  Following the business meeting, refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

Dwight Schindler, Sec.


Feb. 10: 25th Amendment, providing for presidential succession, is ratified.

Oct. 2: Thurgood Marshall is sworn in as first black U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

World Series: St. Louis Cardinals

Best Picture: In the Heat of the Night

July 23, 1967

  The 39th annual reunion of the H.F. Schindler family was held on Sunday afternoon, July 23, 1967 at the Clair E.U.B. Church. The business meeting was called to order by the President Gilbert Sander. The four original members were seated in the place of honor at the front of the room.

  The new pastor at Clair, Reverend Ron Williams was recognized. Stanley Kapp sang the traditional hymn: "Saved by Grace", and Rev. Lester Sander spoke for a few minutes.

  The minutes were read and approved. The Treasurers report showed that we were financially in the hole $1.10 after the bills were paid.

  Recognition was given to the new members of the family:

Mr. Jim CornBrent Wayne Kapp
Terri Lynne SchneiderKurt Alexander Schindler
Sean Ray Sander 

  The total membership of the family had increased to 167 members of which 59 members were present.

  Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Miller who were residing in Korea were recognized. It was noted that Mariams health had improved. Also, Everett and Lorena Schindler were recognized for having celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

  The nominating committee present the following officers for the coming year:

PresidentDwight Schindler
Vice-PresidentBob Cornelius
SecretaryMeredith Kapp
TreasurerLinda Schindler

  Lee Schneider was recognized for his accomplishments in music leadership. LeRoy Schindler was also recognized for his new vocational position.

  Mr. Charles Schindler highlighted the reunion by playing the French Harp and his musical ability was enjoyed by all present.

  A Friendship Circle was formed and after the singing of the hymn "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" the benediction was given by Rev. Williams.

Bob Cornelius, Sec.


Jan. 30: "Tet offensive": Communist troops attack Saigon.

Apr. 4: Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated.

June 5: Sen. Robert F. Kennedy shot. Dies June 6.

Nov. 5: Richard Nixon wins presidency.

World Series: Detroit Tigers

Best Picture: Oliver!

July 28, 1968

  The 40th annual H.F. Schindler family reunion was on Sunday afternoon of July 28, 1968 at Clair United Methodist Church. Following the traditional basket dinner, the business meeting was called to order by the President, Dwight Schindler. The original member were recognized and asked to take seats of honor at the front of the room.

  The Clifton Schindler family sang the traditional hymn, "Saved By Grace". Kenneth Schindler then read a poem "Sorrow and Joy", by Kipling, and gave a Memorial to Louis Sander.

  The following new members were then recognized.

Gregory Allen FordKevin Ray Sanders
Lisa Ann PagliaHarry Hill
Dottie AmmonLouis Shepard
Sharon C. Cruise

  Total family membership had increased to 174 of which 74 were present.

  Minutes were read and approved. No treasurers report due to the absence of the treasure.

  Everett Schindler reported from the nomination committee and following were nominated."

PresidentBob Cornelius
Vice-PresidentMeredith Kapp
SecretaryLinda Schindler
TreasurerRoger Ford

  The friendship circle wwas formed and members sang"God Be With You Til We Meet Again", followed by the Benediction.

Meredith Kapp---Secretary


Jan. 18: Vietnam peace talks begin.

July 8: Withdrawal from Vietnam begins.

July 20: Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to set foot on the moon.

Aug. 15-17: Woodstock music festival.

Nov. 15: Anti-Vietnam War demonstrations reach peak as 250,000 march in Washington, DC.

World Series: New York Mets

Best Picture: Midnight Cowboy

July 27, 1969

  The 41st annual reunion of the H. F. Schindler family was held on Sunday, July 27, 1969, at the Clair United Methodist Fellowship Hall.

  Following a basket dinner the business meeting was called to order by the president, Bob Cornelius, and welcomed all members, guests and ministers.

  The traditional reunion hymn was sung by Stanley Kapp. Ermel Sander gave very meaningful thoughts in memory of Uncle Elmer Schindler.

  The minutes were read and approved. The treasurer reported $12.20 in the treasury. Roll call was answered by 58 members. It was announced the roll now numbers 191 members.

  Recognition was given to the new members of the past year. They are as follows:

Scot C. WeinertDenny Silk
Craig Allen SchneiderJudy Schindler
Mary Lou CorneliusA. J. Dewey
George OllingerDoris Sander

  The nominating committee presented the following officers for the coming year:

PresidentMeredith Kapp
Vice PresidentRoger Ford
SecretaryHilton Sander
TreasurerDavid Schindler

  Recognition was made to members present from a distance as follows: Rev. & Mrs. D. G. Ammon and Kurt, Marilyn, Greg and Steve Grauberger and Gina Ann Schindler.

  The family circle was formed and hands clasped. All joined in by singing "Blest Be The Tie That Binds." Rev. Lester Sander gave the benediction.

  Following the meeting a fellowship period was enjoyed. Refreshments of cake and ice cream was served.


Linda Schindler Dewey


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