H.F. Schindler Family




2020s Minutes



World Series: Los Angeles Dodgers


Best Picture: Nomadland

July 26, 2020


The 92nd annual H.F. Schindler family reunion was held online on Sunday, July 26, 2020. Family members gathered at 7:30pm using Zoom.


Owen Gray graciously gave the opening prayer.


The President, Mike Gillaspie, called the business meeting to order. As is tradition, the meeting began with the singing of Grandmother Schindler’s favorite hymn, "Saved by Grace" led by Karl and Anne Schindler. Karl also played the piano during the song. Sheet music was provided on screen and they invited the attendees to sing along during the refrain. Karl and Anne sang the first and fourth verses and this worked out rather well.


Diane Hibbs, in place of Secretary Drew Hibbs, read the minutes of the 2019 meeting. The minutes were approved as read.


Stanley & Patricia Kapp currently have the H.F. and Catherine Schindler 50th wedding anniversary bowl and they will pass it to another member of their family to begin moving it to others.


President, Mike Gillaspie, read the minutes of the reunion meeting held 50 years ago on July 24, 1970.


Our President recognized the first cousins and spouses in attendance. They were Wayne Schindler, Dwight and Pat Schindler, Larry Grauberger, and Janet Schindler.


Also recognized was Larry Grauberger and Wayne Schindler as a close second as the oldest family member at the meeting. The youngest member present was Ruthie Schindler Gray. The member who "traveled" the farthest for the reunion was Cindy Schneider Thornhill of Oceanside, California. Other states represented at our virtual reunion were Colorado, Arizona, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Minnesota.


A listing of the following changes in family membership for 2019 was provided by Terri Modlin and read by the president:


Added by marriage:

Frank Schindler Family (Eula Mae/Ronda Ammon):

Jeffrey Surface married to Lindsey Travers on August 25, 2017 in Sacramento, CA


Frank Schindler Family (Mildred/Roger Ford):

Taryn Lanae Miller married to Daniel Ford on March 22, 2020 in St Joseph, Missouri


Charles Schindler Family (Ernestine/Weldon Judah):

Joseph Bindel, married to Idean Judah on July 14, 2012

Samuel Bennett, married to Abigail Judah on September 7, 2018


Alice Schindler Sander Family (Ermel/Gilbert):

Blake Wyatt, married to Kelsey Sander Wyatt on January 18, 2020


Elmer Schindler Family (Kenneth/Glenda McDonnell):

Mrs. Holley Horrell, married to Craig McDonnell on October 20, 2019


Removed by divorce:

Heather Sander divorced from Brett Sander


Added by birth:

Calvin Schindler Family (Bill/Lon):

A daughter, Arya Rain Schindler, born on October 13, 2016 in Rowlett, Texas to James and Noemi Schindler


Frank Schindler Family (Eula Mae/Ronda Ammon):

A daughter, Dorothy Mae Travers Browne, born on May 22, 2018 in Madison, Wisconsin to Britany Travers and Ryan Browne


Charles Schindler Family (Ernestine/Weldon Judah):

A son, Oliver Clarence Bindel, born September 27, 2017 in Kansas City to Idean and Joseph Bindel


Alice Schindler Sander Family (Ermel/Beverly Corn):

A daughter, Jovie Alice Maher, born on November 14, 2019 to Jerrod and Tricia Corn Maher.


Lost by Death:

Frank Schindler Family (Dorothy Fankhauser Smith/Janice Thorne):

Steven Thorne, son of William and Janice Fankhauser Thorne, died May 18, 2020 in Boiling Springs, PA.

A memorial for Steven Thorne was given by Mike Gillaspie.

Alonzo Asevado was a visitor (Sarah Gillaspie’s fiancé).


Grace Gray had a remembrance to pass along; seven years ago, a day after the Schindler family reunion Grace and Owen were married so celebrating their approaching seventh wedding anniversary.


The Treasurers report was given by Patricia Schindler: Balance carried over from 2019 is $172.00

Donations today: recommendation was made to send donations to Clair United Methodist Church or go to their giving page on the church’s website. https://www.clairchurch.com/give.html

Total: $172.00


The traditional roll call was not read this year, however, there are 424 members on the family roll.  Approximately 45 attended the virtual reunion.


After the treasurer's report was given, five random breakout groups were formed so personal conversations could take place in a smaller setting. The prompt for the conversation was searching for a new officer for next year's Treasures position. It was also suggested that we could discuss how the COVID-19 virus was affecting us. Each breakout group enjoyed each their discussions. After 15 minutes meeting with the smaller groups, everyone came back together as one large group. Anne Schindler volunteered as Treasurer for next year.


Mike Gillaspie presented the following slate of officers for 2021:

  • President – Shirley Ford
  • Vice President – Drew Hibbs
  • Secretary – Pat Schindler
  • Treasurer – Anne Schindler


Representation from the family

  • Selma – none
  • Calvin Schindler – Cynthia Thornhill
  • Frank Schindler – Ammons (Dennis & Marie, John, Ronda & Gerald) and Karen Paglia & her daughters Dawn Berman and Lisa Paglia
  • Charles Schindler/Judah - none
  • Alice Schindler Sander – none
  • Elmer Schindler – Bob & Maureen Cornelius and Glenda McDonnell (Others?)
  • Josephine Schindler Schneider – Terri, Pat & Jacob, Kevin, Lisa & Karl
  • Clarence Schindler – all families?
  • Everett – Meredith & Joann, Stan & Pat and Marva (Berniece), and Barbara Schindler Armstrong (Leroy)


There was discussion for next year’s meeting to make a Zoom meeting at the reunion for people unable to travel to St. Joseph or if we are unable to physically join.


Great thanks go out to Terri for keeping the book updated. She does an amazing job.


Everyone said his or her goodbyes to the family. It was wonderful seeing everyone! We enjoyed it greatly!


The group joined in a virtual Friendship Circle for the singing of “Blest Be the Tie that Binds” followed by the blessing by Owen Grace.


Diane Hibbs, for Drew Hibbs, Secretary



World Series: Atlanta Braves


Best Picture: CODA

July 25, 2021


The 93rd annual H.F. Schindler family reunion was held at the Clair United Methodist Church in St. Joseph, Missouri and on Zoom on Sunday July 25, 2021. We ate at 1:00 p.m. and the meeting started at 1:45 p.m.


Dwight Schindler gave the blessing prior to the meeting.


The President, Shirley Ford, welcomed everyone to the meeting and called the business meeting to order. As is tradition, the meeting began with the singing of Grandmother Schindler’s favorite hymn, “Saved by Grace” sang by Karl and Anne Schindler on Zoom. Sheet music was passed out to those in attendance and everyone was asked to sing along with Anne and Karl.


Pat Schindler, Secretary read the minutes of the 2020 meeting. The minutes were approved as read.


Dwight Schindler, Acting Vice-President read the minutes of the 1971 minutes from 50 years ago.


Roll Call: There were 10 members at the meeting and 27 members from Zoom, with a total of 37 members attending the meeting.


Shirley Ford, acknowledged the first cousins and spouses and other attendee info:

Wayne Schindler, Dwight and Pat Schindler, and Janet Schindler (spouse of Larry Schindler.)

Oldest member present was Roger Ford age 85.

Youngest member present was Nathan Grauberger age 16.

Members who dialed in from the furthest: Scott Armstrong, Ryan and Millie

Members who came the furthest: Dwight and Pat Schindler.

Visitors in attendance: Jason Hinson and Patrick Carter.


Shirley Ford: 2021 membership changes.

The 2021 roll call included over 463 names. Please send changes to Terri Modlin.


New members by Marriage:

  • Calvin Schindler Family (Pearlie/Henry)
  • Joseph Nilges married Emily Smith on June 27, 2021
  • Everett Schindler Family (Leroy/Barbara Armstrong)
  • Ryan Scott Armstrong married Nellie Lynn Currie on February 20, 2021


New members by Birth:

  • Elmer Schindler Family (Kenneth/Doug)
    • A son, Milo Douglas Schindler, born on September 6, 2020 in Philadelphia, PA, to Bart and Vanessa Schindler.
  • Elmer Schindler Family (Kenneth Doug)
    • A daughter, Aoife (EE-fa) Eleanor McDonnell, born on March 22, 2021, in Minneapolis, MN, to Craig and Holley McDonnell.
  • Clarence Schindler Family  (Larry)
    • A daughter Rory Grace Gray, born March 15, 2021 in Plano, TX to Grace and Rev. Owen Gray.


No Deceased Members: None known


Members needing special remembrance or prayers include:

Bill Schindler, Rod Sander – M.S., Hilton Sander, and Larry Grauberger


The Treasurer’s report was given by Anne Schindler: Balance carried over from 2019, 2020, and 2021 is $172.00. Recommendation was made if you would want to send donations to Clair United Methodist Church or go to their giving page on the church’s website: https://www.clairchurch.com/givehtml.  $100 was given to the church from the Schindler treasurey. Current balance is $182.


Old Business: Shirley Ford gave a report on the conditions of the Mount Nebo Cemetery. Roger has been working on the Cemetery and feels we need to keep the cemetery from getting overgrown.  Shirley discussed the possibility of having a work day to keep up the cemetery.


New Business: Kevin Schneider is going to submit the Old Platt Maps, part of Andrew and Buchanan County to Karl Schindler to put on the website.


Shirley Ford: slate of officers for 2022.

President: Drew Hibbs (Diane Hibbs)

Vice President: Pat Schindler

Secretary: Anne Schindler

Treasurer: Dawn Berman


The 2022 Reunion date for next year is Saturday, July 23, 2022.


The 50th Anniversary Bowl was given to Dwight Schindler Family to share with their daughters.


The 10 members at the church held hands and sang “Bless Be The Tie That Binds”


Pat Schindler, Secretary

July 23, 2022


The 94th annual H.F. Schindler family reunion was held at the Clair United Methodist Church in St. Joseph, MO and on Zoom on Saturday, July 23, 2022. The meal was at 1:00 pm and the meeting started at 1:45 pm. Stan Kapp gave the blessing prior to the meal.


Diane Hibbs, standing in for President Drew Hibbs, called the business meeting to order. In keeping with tradition, the meeting began with Grandmother Schindler’s favorite hymn, “Saved by Grace.” Karl and Anne Schindler led the singing via Zoom with everyone joining in.


Secretary Anne Schindler read the minutes from the 2021 meeting and they were approved as read.


The minutes of the meeting from 50 years ago, in 1972, were read by Pat Schindler.


Dawn Berman gave the Treasurer’s report: It was agreed that $100 be donated to Clair Church. A collection basket was circulated among those in attendance physically. Contributions can also be made to Clair Church via their website https://www.clairchurch.com/give.html

Totals are as follows:

$182 Starting amount

$140 offering collected onsite

$100 donation to Clair + onsite donations

$222 Balance


Roll Call: There were 13 members present at Clair Church, 25 members via Zoom, and 2 guests present (Gene and Joyce Bollman) for a total of 38 members and 2 guests.


Attendee information:

Oldest member present was Roger Ford, 86 years.

Youngest member present was Karl Schneider, 24 years.

Member who dialed in from the furthest: Dawn Paglia Berman

Member who came in from the furthest: Pat Schindler


Remembrances for sick members: Shane and Lon Schindler (Bill Schindler’s sons)


The 2022 roll call included over 480 names. Please send changes to Terri Modlin.


New members by marriage:

Clarence Schindler Family (Larry/Natalie Schindler Gillaspie): Sarah Gillaspie married Alonso Benjamin Acevedo on October 16, 2021

New members by Birth:

  • A daughter, Ernestine Rosemarie Bindel, on October 15, 2021 to Deana & Joseph Bindle (Ernestine Judah family/ Weldon Judah)
  • A daughter, Violet Mae Schindler, born May 7, 2022 to Bart and Vanessa Schindler (Kenneth Schindler family/ Doug Schindler).
  • A daughter, Maeve Imogene McDonnell, born Nov. 27, 2021 in Alpena, Michigan to Kevin McDonnell and his wife, Kiira Sittari  (Kenneth Schindler family/ Glenda Schindler McDonnell)

Deceased Members:

Bill Schindler; Larry Grauberber; Dwight Schindler; Bill Thorne



Bill Schindler – Wayne Schindler

Larry Grauberger – Steve Grauberger

Dwight Schindler – Kris Schindler

Bill Thorne – Roger Ford


Old Business

Cemetery: could form a group each year to clean up the plot.


New Business

Make 95th a big deal because of the older folks. Form a committee in each branch. Send a mass email to start forming the committees.


The 50th Anniversary Bowl was given to Roger and Shirley Ford to share with their family.


Slate of officers for 2023:

President: Mike Gillaspie, Terri Modlin

Vice President: Anne Schindler

Secretary: Dawn Berman

Treasurer: John Thompson


The 2023 Reunion date for was scheduled for Saturday, July 22, 2023.


The members at the church held hands and all sang “Bless Be The Tie That Binds.”


Anne Schindler




World Series: Houston Astros


Best Picture: Everything Everywhere All at Once



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Best Picture:

July 22, 2023



July, 2024





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July, 2025





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July, 2026





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July, 2027





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July, 2028





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July, 2029





World Series:


Best Picture:


E-MAIL: info@hfschindler.org